B1001101 2021. 2. 16. 23:57

강의 복습

1. Recurrent Neural Network and Language Modeling


1) Basics of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

2) Types of RNNs

  • One-to-one: Standard Neural Networks
  • One-to-many: Image Captioning
  • Many-to-one: Sentiment Classification
  • Many-to-many(Sequence-to-sequence): Machine Translation, Video classification on frame level

3) Character-level Language Model

  •  Backpropagation through time (BPTT)
  • RNN의 문제: gradient vanishing
    → LSTM, GRU로 해결

2. LSTM and GRU


1) Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

  • i: Input gate, Whether to write to cell (sigmoid 함수)
  • f: Forget gate, Whether to erase cell (sigmoid 함수)
  • o: Output gate, How much to reveal cell (sigmoid 함수)
  • g: Gate gate, How much to write to cell (tanh 함수)

2) Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)

 참고: 2021/02/04 - [네이버 부스트캠프 AI Tech/학습정리 [T1209 최보미]] - Day14 학습정리 - Recurrent Neural Networks


오늘은 3주차때 배웠던 RNN을 사용한 자연어처리에 대해 배웠다. 이번주 수업을 따라가려면 3주차 내용을 잘 복습해야 할 것 같다.